Week 3B: Examples of Businesses

The list of businesses that are similar to mine & my husband's music production company:

Tico Hudson Productions

  1. ticohudsonproductions.com
  2. The social media platforms that he is using are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
  3. The Instagram seems to be the main one used recently. The Twitter seems like it's linked to the Instagram account so what ever is posted on Instagram automatically is posted to his Twitter. The other links haven't been used in at least a month.
  4. Latest social media posts:
    1. Facebook: February 09, 2019
    2. Twitter: January 31, 2019
    3. YouTube: January 05, 2019
    4. Instagram: February 09, 2019
  5. Overall it appears as though this business is using their social media consistently.
  1. pullpullpull.com
  2. The company does not have any social media links displayed on their website. When I tried to google the company only their website appeared in the google search.
  3. One of the producers who co-owns the business uses his Twitter account for personal and business reasons. 
  4. Latest social media posts:
    1. Twitter: 11 hours ago.
  5. Although this business does not appear to use social media, one of the producers/co-owners uses their personal Twitter account to promote the business sometimes.
Shayan Amiri
  1. shayanamiri.com
  2. This business uses Instagram, Facebook, Soundcloud, and Twitter.
  3. The links seem well used.
  4. Latest social media posts:
    1. Instagram: January 10, 2019
    2. Facebook: January 10, 2019
    3. Soundcloud: January 23, 2019
    4. Twitter: January 10, 2019
  5. It appears that the main platforms used are Soundcloud and Instagram and that the Facebook and Twitter account is linked to the Instagram account.  
The Rattle Room
  1. therattleroom.com
  2. This business uses Facebook and Instagram.
  3. The social media doesn't look like its used often for this business. 
  4. Latest social media posts:
    1. Facebook: October 22, 2018
    2. Instagram: July 25, 2018
  5. I would say that this business does not use their social media to the extent that other businesses do. Usually businesses try to post on a weekly basis. 
Studio M.I.F.
  1. studiomif.com
  2. This business has Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Instagram links on their website, but the links take you to a corresponding Wix.com page.
  3. The Instagram page is used frequently and the business gets a lot of consumer engagement on there.
  4. Latest social media posts:
    1. Instagram: 6 hours ago
  5. They use their Instagram frequently which works for them. They receive a lot of consumer engagement and even pick up new clients. 

After analyzing each business's use of social media it appears that the common platform used in this industry is Instagram. Instagram allows producers and recording studios to show pictures of the recording studios to ensure that they have professional equipment. They even are able to display snippets of current projects that are being worked on. Instagram seems to be where a lot of producers get the most consumer engagement. Instagram seems to be the go-to for anyone trying to promote their business within the music industry.

Another discovery is that with Instagram being the main platform used, Facebook and Twitter seem to just be linked to the Instagram. This makes it so that sometimes you wont even have to log into Facebook or twitter because you can just post from Instagram. I currently do this with my business because it just seems that our Facebook and twitter posts get ignored. The downfall to this is that not all social media can be treated the same. I feel like for music producers and recording studios people just want to showcase the music and not necessarily have to write statements all of the time. We want the music to speak for itself, or sell itself. That is just my opinion based off of observation from this assignment and my personal experience with trying to grow a music production business via social media.

Lastly, I noticed that only two businesses listed on in this post use Soundcloud or YouTube. Before my husband and I started the business he would always post a new track or song on a music streaming site, such as SoundCloud. Even though the music is now on our website, we still post to SoundCloud and/or YouTube. This opens the door for people to listen to our music regardless of which platform they use most. I found it interesting that only two of the producers in this list do the same thing. Especially because almost all producers have their music on SoundCloud at the very least. 

In conclusion, all of the businesses in this list use social media. Regardless of which social media links the businesses use or do not use all of the businesses are successful. Especially because the competition in the music industry growing everyday. I definitely think that I can learn something from each business that will help grow my business. 


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